Many people seek out massage as a “quick fix”. You are not broken. I cannot and will not “fix” you. I will journey with you and care for you along the way. I say this in respect and honesty. We may release tension, and we may let go of old wounds when we are together, and that is beautiful. But I do not believe you are broken.
Truth be told, we will all come to a point along our journey where we are facing our mortality. When you are there, I can journey with you, too. It is an honor to walk with you, to sit with you, to hold your hand and to breathe with you — until your final breath is released and your spirit is homeward bound.
You may find yourself struggling with aches and pains from the journey of life. You may fatigue more easily than you used to. You skin has changed, hormones have fluctuated one way or another, and you may be letting go of former ways of being in the world. The transition into aging and dying is not an easy one. It is helpful to have companions along the journey who can support you in various ways. I enjoy working with people who are in this part of their life-journey.
Massage & Bodywork Magazine has several articles in this month’s edition about Hospice and Oncology massage. Since that is part of what I do, I am sharing some of their words. Providing compassionate touch to elders and those in hospice care is beautiful.
You may be feeling like your body is failing you, but we are all designed to make this journey — into death and then beyond. Your body is not failing, it is preparing. You are preparing. We are all, to one degree or another, preparing.
The journey does not have to be done alone. You can come to my office, or I can come to you. Call, e-mail or text today if you, or a loved one, is nearing this time.