~ A Springtime Metaphor for Healing and Spiritual Counsel ~
As I was working in the garden to prepare the soil for spring seeds, I was reminded of the importance of considering our compost. If we bring in the old “stuff” too soon, it will burn everything that tries to grow in the garden. But the old “stuff” needs tending, turning and moving from time to time in order to help it become the rich compost we need for new growth to enter our garden spaces. Compost doesn’t serve much purpose if it’s just sitting in the backyard untended. It needs some help from our living waters and from the friendly worms and microbes provided by Mother Earth.
This garden illustration serves as a metaphor for our internal lives of emotion and spirit. Working with our old “stuff” can be difficult at times. A listening ear and a gentle word of wisdom or direction can be incredibly helpful. Sitting with a gifted healer and feeling their presence of compassion is something we all need from time to time.

If you find yourself in a season of sorting through your old “stuff,” you may benefit from a session of Spiritual Counsel. My specialized Compassionate Care Blend provides you with an hour of soulful listening and thirty minutes of specially-tailored Massage or Reiki to help you integrate our spiritual counsel time into somatic release of old wounds. Are you ready to schedule? If you have questions, you may contact me.
