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Celebrate Autumn’s Bounty

Writer's picture: AJ Wolff-Lynne, LMTAJ Wolff-Lynne, LMT

On this blustery Autumn day, I invite you to step outside and let the winds dance through your hair. Open your arms wide. Breathe deeply. Notice what happens in your body, your mind and your spirit. Connecting with Divine through nature can help us to hear the Song of the Dancing Heart.


~ Contemplation Time ~

How does your body feel before, during and after this simple exercise?

What has been held in your shoulders?  Your back?  Your belly?

When you close your eyes, what do you see?  What do you notice?  Where is your heart longing to be?

When you breathe, where is the air flowing?  Is it staying near the top of your lungs?  Does it make your belly move?  What happens if you breathe with the intention of bringing oxygen all the way down to the soles of your feet?

~ Looking Inward ~

Bringing awareness into our bodies can help us to be more open to the movements and Heart’s Song in the Divine Natural World.  Take time to connect with yourself today while being out in nature.  Take a few minutes to center, to look inward and to simply be.  In a life that is filled with activity and swirling, even a few minutes of deep breathing and opening to Spirit can bring rejuvenation and healing.

My desire is to bring forth healing, blessings and balance.  When we work together ~ in my healing space, around the fire or even through this online connection ~ it is my joy and honor to care for you.  I offer Massage, Reiki, Spiritual Care and Community Connections to support your journey towards wellness.  Feel free to contact me if you would like to set up a healing session.  I compassionately care for the whole person – body, mind and spirit.

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